Being Sensitive to the Voice of the Holy Spirit

by Karen Sargent

My heartbeat is to let God work through me every day. I want to be pregnant with His desire and His will for those who are around me.

I make it a practice to ask, Holy Spirit what are you saying to me?

It’s important to ask this when you read the Bible. I believe it’s just as critical to ask when you hear a message given at church or from a podcast or a blog. As you go about your day, talking to those around you, the Holy Spirit will speak through you. Exercising our faith is involved in receiving all that God wants to say to us. And then giving what God wants to say through us. 

When I ask the Holy Spirit to help me, it makes me more aware and sensitive to the gentle whispers, or as my friend calls them, the “God winks” that happen during the day. Very often the guidance comes in a subtle way. It may be an awareness or a feeling, or a sudden desire to check on a friend or relative. 

Blessed to be a blessing

I ask God to help me recognize those He puts in my path. Dr. Johnnie Blount calls it walking quietly through the crowd.  We release Christ’s presence into the world around us when we yield to the Holy Spirit. We show that we are blessed to be a blessing when we ask God who He wants us to talk to today, and then obey.

Because I have asked and listened, recently I have been able to encourage a friend living with a chronic illness. I prayed with someone who is dealing with addiction, and a student who is having family problems. I also reached out to an old friend and found out she is opening her own business and she asked me for prayer. Honestly, the benefit is mutual. It totally makes my day when I make those divine connections. It is so fulfilling to be able to help, pray with, bless, or otherwise minister to those around me. It’s a blessing to be the answer to someone else’s prayer!

The truth is without the help of the Holy Spirit, we rarely know what others are dealing with, or the depth of the needs that surround us. So it is wise to ask and then listen to the One who knows everything. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? Have you made a God connection? Have you heard from Him lately?

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